Jin Shin Jyutsu & Flow: Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient art of harmonizing life energy in body, mind and spirit. Flows are the combination of holds on specific points on the body to unblock stuck energy. Flow is also a state of non-resistance to

Jin Shin Jyutsu & Flow: Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient art of harmonizing life energy in body, mind and spirit. Flows are the combination of holds on specific points on the body to unblock stuck energy. Flow is also a state of non-resistance to life, which is naturally enhanced with JSJ.

  Allowing and flowing in life becomes much easier with Jin Shin Jyutsu self-helps which are taught after each session. JSJ can greatly enhance your feeling of well-being and can be done on yourself or others anytime and anywhere.

Allowing and flowing in life becomes much easier with Jin Shin Jyutsu self-helps which are taught after each session. JSJ can greatly enhance your feeling of well-being and can be done on yourself or others anytime and anywhere.