Paul brings a wide variety of life experiences to his newest passion, Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ). Paul was born in Minnesota, raised in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and obtained his B.A. and M.A. in Chicago where he met his wife, Dana. They moved to Duluth soon after graduation where Paul worked with special education students in the public schools for almost 20 years. He and Dana have enjoyed many years of remodeling 1920s era homes and served as long-time respite care providers for families of children with disabilities. They also currently provide property management and handyman services.
Working with special needs kids for nearly two decades, Paul is well-practiced in one of the basic tenants of Jin Shin Jyutsu: Seeing others as already whole, no matter what their physical, mental or emotional condition appears to be. In truth, no one needs to be "fixed" because wholeness is inherent; however, many people do not experience themselves as whole and living in flow. Paul's openness and ability to support energy pathways with JSJ, assists clients to shift towards wholeness which positively affects their health in mind, body and spirit.
Paul and Dana have lived with rescue dogs (Paris, Oslo, and Ray) over the past 30+ years. And although they’re currently dog-free, they appreciate the pups’ loving reminders to play and bring energy, exuberance, joy, wonder, and unconditional love to our journeys.