Jin Shin Jyutsu is not a physical manipulation of tissue and uses only minimal pressure. A practitioner of JSJ does not do anything except work as a "jumper cable" to assist in the flow of an infinite supply of universal energy. This process does not affect Paul's personal supply of energy.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is pronounced Gin Shin Jute-Sue or Jit-Sue (either way is fine). Or you could just say "JSJ" too. JSJ offers a gentle balancing of life energy to achieve health and well being. It's a series of hands-on sequences to restore emotional, mental, and physical equilibrium by addressing the cause of disharmonious energy. JSJ is a complementary modality that can be used anywhere and be done on oneself or with others.
Jin Shin Jyutsu means “the art of the creator through man of knowing and compassion”. It is a physio-philosophy based upon our own natural, innate ability to harmonize ourselves. It was once an oral tradition passed down to each generation, and over time Jin Shin Jyutsu was all but forgotten until a Japanese sage named Jiro Murai cleared himself of a life-threatening illness, rediscovering it in the early part of the twentieth century. Mary Burmeister, a Japanese American, was one of his students and brought the art from Japan to America in the 1950s. Through her teachings, books and thousands of classes held around the world this awareness continues to grow. Today, many people practice this art with the main office in Scottsdale, Arizona. For more information on JSJ, click here.